U.S. Recovery: Weakest on Record The U.S. economic recovery officially beganin June 2009. It has been the slowest recovery on record, by far. In the 13 quarters
since the recovery began, U.S. GDP has increased a total of 7.2%, or an average of2.2% per year. By comparison, over the eight previous recoveries, from 1954 through2001, the average increase in GDP after 13 quarters was 15.4% or 4.7% per year.
内容摘要:U.S. Recovery: Weakest on Record The U.S. economic recovery officially beganin June 2009. It has been the slowest recovery on record, by far. In the 13 quarters
since the recovery began, U.S. GDP has increased a total of 7.2%, or an average of2.2% per year. By comparison, over the eight previous recoveries, from 1954 through2001, the average increase in GDP after 13 quarters was 15.4% or 4.7% per year.